Tag: IRS back taxes

How Do I Qualify for Relief on Past-Due Taxes?

IRS tax debt relief

Were you late on your taxes and are now facing a sizable debt due to back taxes?  While past-due taxes place a significant financial burden on filers, there are options. Relief is available; you just have to know where to look.  Use available resources to your advantage when trying to pay past-due taxes. Learn how… Read more »

5 IRS Issues a Tax Attorney Can Help You Resolve

IRS tax lawyer

While you can work with a tax preparer to file your annual taxes, there are situations where you should seek representation from a tax attorney.  Some instances where it can benefit you to hire an attorney include: if you’re facing a tax audit; if you’re being charged with tax fraud; if you have a large… Read more »

What is an IRS Bank Levy?

tax levy

When you owe the IRS money in back taxes, you are expected to pay it back either in one lump sum or by setting up a payment plan.  Failure to pay the taxes – or to follow through with the agreed-upon payment arrangement – can cause the IRS to take action. One type of penalty… Read more »

What Happens If You Owe Over $50,000 to the IRS?

IRS tax debt

Taxpayers who owe the IRS over $50,000 may have to deal with tax liens, tax levies, and IRS passport actions.  There are many tax resolution options that can be used to protect your property and get the IRS off your back.